Yankee Doodle – Guitar chords and lyrics to the old classic children’s song

Here are the words and guitar chords/tabs to the old classic children’s song, Yankee Doodle

Fun kids song Yankee Doodle : chords and words


Yankee Doodle


C                     G7
Yankee Doodle went to town,

C           G7
Riding on a pony.

C               F
Stuck a feather in his hat

G7            C
And called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up.

Yankee Doodle dandy.

Mind the music and the step,

C        G7       C
And with the girls be handy!

Page topic: guitar tabs and chords for Yankee Doodle | Funny songs for kids, classrooms and schools. Classic children’s music chords and words | learn how to play old famous well known kids songs